Relationship Tips That Should Be Learned from This Weeks Bachelorette Episode

By Shanlakes
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1. Nice guys don't finish last. Unless you're talking to college girls. 
2. Don't be naive.  Love is always a two way street. Just because you are feeling very strongly one way, does not mean it's being reciprocated. 
3. Don't write a girl a fairytale. You can do a lot of things for a girl: flowers, diamonds, love letters, vacations, etc., but writing them a fairytale to describe your love for them is very questionable. We love the little things, but just make sure you don't cross over to the girly side. (Nick)
4. When you know you know. One way or another. She knew she wasn't in love with Chris and she didn't wait another second to let him know. She didn't feel the same way he was feeling.  (Andi) 
5. You can never tell a girl you love her too often. (Nick + Josh) 
6. Don't make an excuse as to why you don't want to be with someone. Andi even said, she could pretend to blame it on the fact that she doesn't want to live in Iowa, but he deserved more respect than that. Don't give someone fake reasons when it's really just that your feelings aren't where they should be with them. Because trust me when I say, they will hold on to those "bullshit" reasons you gave them for far too long. If you blame it on their family, a friend, a job, a personality trait, etc. that will eat away at them for the rest of their life. Be honest instead of making excuses. Not everyone is meant to be together, so it's okay to say your feelings just aren't there. 
7. Do make fun of yourself when you do something wrong, immature, or embarrassing. It is an attractive quality to be able to admit when your wrong, joke about it, and not take everything so seriously. When reading Andi the story he wrote her he made sure to include the part about a date when he acted like a huge baby. Definitely scored him a solid 2-3 points. 
8. It's always hot when a guy who never cries, cries. (Chris)
9.  Strong, assertive personalities are always more attractive than weak passive ones. You can be the sweetest person in the world and still have a strong, assertive personality. (And vis versa). 
10. The little things that Nick is constantly doing for Andi is a huge DO for all men. He constantly reassures Andi, and tells her the things every girl wants to hear. He always tells her she looks beautiful, talks about the future, is constantly kissing her, looking at her, saying he misses her, etc.