Reinvesting the Savings…

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

I was out shopping yesterday when I noticed the service due light on my dashboard was lit. Newer Honda’s have a service indicator that is a letter ‘A’ or ‘B’ followed by numeric codes. Looking up the codes, I saw I was due for an oil change, tire rotation, and both the air intake and cabin filters needed replacing. I went online to see if I could find out how much my local Honda dealer would charge for the services. The price for the oil change and tire rotation were reasonable, but the cost to replace two filters was $120. I figured replacing some filters was well within my abilities so I went over to YouTube to see if anyone had posted a how-to video for my year car. I was in luck as there were very good videos for both jobs. Seeing that replacing both filters was relatively easy (in the end, the job took less than 10 minutes), I headed over to my local auto parts store and picked up the filters I needed. Total Cost: $35.00.

What does this have to do with whisky, you ask? I’m getting to that part.

Later that day, I found myself at “the Pakastani’s” picking up Powerball tickets. Looking up, I noticed a bottle of the Aberlour a’bunadh on the shelf. I’ve had this bottle before and reviewed it here a while back. It happened to be the same batch. Being that I saved $95.00 by replacing the filters on my car myself, I thought that I would reinvest the savings in another bottle. I took some heat from my fellow Booze Dancer’s last time around for not being generous enough with this fine pour. We’ll see….maybe I’ll be less grinch-like this time around….