Reign WordPress Social Community Theme – BuddyPress Theme 2021

Posted on the 08 December 2021 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Choosing the right theme for your WordPress website is not an easy task. There are thousands of paid and free themes that give a user some outstanding features. If you are planning to create a social community like a website for your visitors, then you are in the right place. Here we have selected one of the best community WordPress themes. This amazing theme “Reign” by Wbcom Designs is the ultimate BuddyPress theme that lets users create an awesome social community website with WordPress. This theme is simple and elegantly designed to give users the ultimate experience while creating a website.

What Is Reign?

Reign is a Fully-responsive WordPress, BuddyPress theme created by Wbcom Designs is solely made to give users ultimate BuddyPress experience. This theme is flexible, easy to use, and a well-designed theme. It’s based on BuddyPress and provides various options to users such as Multiple Homepage layouts, Elementor page Builder support, BuddyPress Support, and a lot more.

reign buddypress theme

Features of Reign that sets it apart

Fully Responsive Design

reign theme mobile view

Reign theme design has been made keeping in mind its responsiveness. The theme is fully compatible with all the browsers as well as with mobile devices. It’s completely customizable and responsive.

Multiple Homepage Layouts

reign theme- multiple homepage layout option

This theme provides multiple layouts for the Homepage. A user can easily choose his favorite layout to be displayed on the homepage.

Elementor Page Builder Support

Reign has taken a step further by providing Elementor Page Builder Support. Elementor is one of the new additions to WordPress and provides some amazing drag and drop features to users. It’s a lightweight builder and free to use. Users can use this builder to design their website very easily and beautifully.

reign theme-elementor support

Separate header and Footer customization

The reign theme provides customization for the header and footer separately. Users can easily customize the header and footer of their website using these options. Users can edit them using Elementor or WordPress Editor. This is one of the newest addition that has been added to this WordPress theme.

reign theme- header and footer edit option

WooCommerce Support

This theme has integrated the best e-commerce plugin, WooCommerce. Now users can easily create an e-commerce store and sell their products with reign and WooCommerce.

bbPress Support

Forums are something that every user wants for their website. this theme comes with support for bbPress. users can easily create forums the way they wish to. This theme integrates very well with bbPress and provides a simpler way to create forums.

It’s a BuddyPress theme

Above all this theme is a dedicated BuddyPress Theme. It gives all the features of BuddyPress in one place. Reign allows users to create a completely interactive social-community website with Groups, Activities, Members, Friends, and a lot more. Reign has separate customization options for BuddyPress so that users can simply customize the settings without resorting to a single line of coding.

Use of WordPress Customizer

One of the biggest advantages of this theme is that it does not use any Framework. In order to make it lightweight and simple, Reign uses WordPress Customizer to create customized options for users. The reign theme options provide various customization options so that users can easily customize their site and it also does not make their site buggy.

reign BuddyPress theme- customization setting BuddyPress demo with reign theme


Reign is one of the latest WordPress, BuddyPress themes built keeping in mind the BuddyPress aspect of building a website. This social community theme provides a completely new and simple way to create a website. It’s beautifully designed and fully customizable.

To have an insight into the theme and its various options, you can also play with its demo in sandbox mode. They will provide you with a login and password so that you can start from the beginning.

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