Regecting Rejections: The Do It Yourself Story

By Regectedriter @regectedriter

If you’ve been following me on the twitter (@RegectedRiter, all!), you may have noticed that I sound like this:

That’s because I have a Workshop/Reading this weekend of a play that I’ve written.


Who’s producing it, I hear you ask! Is it the same production team that produced that smash Broadway Hit SPIDERMAN?!

Even better!  It’s ME!

I am so competent.

What does a producer DO exactly?  We book the spaces, negotiate some deals, sign the checks and wave our money bye bye

*Please Note* This only applies to those producers who Regect Rejection – in the real world, producers don’t put their own money into things, they raise it.

So AG, I hear you ask again, Who’s directing this theatrical event of the moment?  Is it MARTIN SCORSESE?!

Nah, I like to give up and coming directors a chance to direct.

But none of them wanted to, so I actually chose ME!

Yes, I am directing my own work, which I’ve actually never done before.  I have directed a lot and often, but never my own babies!!!! my work.

All right, AG, I can hear you say as you shake your heads, Give it to me straight. Do you at least have the cast of the latest Muppet Movie for your actors?

No, they were too busy with personal appearances and interviews to participate and I was also told to stop calling their hotel rooms because it was bordering on stalking.

But I bribed some friends with coffee, donuts and pizza and they agreed to be my actors!

What, we don’t have a picture?  Because I’m too lazy to draw a picture of five brilliant, talented actors?  Sounds about right.

So, why would I spend amounts of money, time and energy into producing a one day workshop/reading that ten people, including my parents, are going to attend?

Simple answer: Because I want to

Slightly More Complex answer: Because getting a regection letter in the e-mail doesn’t mean I can’t work on my plays and make me a better playwright, yo!  I can still get a group of people together to read and play with my writing to a small audience that will offer helpful feedback so I could continue writing and growing as a playwright!

That’s why I say

I REGECT YOU, REJECTION! I take that J and turn it into A G!

And that’s what all youse should do, too.

Tell me, what projects (or progects) do you have on your agenda?  I wantstaknow!