Refrigerator Toffee Bars

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
I am about to show you something totally dangerous. You might want to look away now, before its too late  . . . oops . . .  too late. Sorry about that.  ☺
With these warm summer temperatures, nobody can blame a person for not wanting to spend much time in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove, especially when it comes to baking goodies. (Although that has never really been a problem with me.  I bake anyways.  Glutton that I am through and through.)
The heat never really gets to me, whereas high humidity does.  Thankfully we only ever very rarely get a day here in the UK in which the humidity combined with the heat is totally unbearable.  When we do though, a recipe such as this one is just the ticket for feeding your sweet tooth and the kiddles.
These are such a simple make.  As simple as stirring a few things together in a saucepan and simmering/boiling them on the stove for a short time . . .  sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, butter  . . .  and milk . . .
This gets layered in a baking tin along with crisp buttery rectangular shaped crackers.  I have used TUC because that is what we have over here.  But you could use whatever buttery rectangular crackers you have available to you.
TUC crackers on their own are dangerous enough for me . . .  love their buttery crunch . . .
Anyways, layer them into the tin, three layers of crackers and three layers of toffee, starting with the crackers and ending with the toffee.  Do make sure you line the tin with foil and butter the foil as they will stick on the sides if you don't.  Toffee is like that. 
Finally on top you melt some chocolate chips and spread them all over.  The original recipe once upon a time said to use milk chocolate chips, but I like semi sweet myself. These squares are sweet enough without adding to that with milk chocolate chips.
You don't have to use chocolate chips, you could just break up a large bar of milk chocolate, or even a bar of white chocolate, but the chocolate chips melt quicker. 
Just spread the melted chocolate over top of the last layer of toffee and then if you want you can sprinkle on some cupcake sprinkles, not necessary, but they do dress them up a bit.
They might not be the prettiest girl in the class, but they sure are the tastiest!  These are so delicious that I cut the recipe in half (yes you can do that and it works beautifully), but that's not all . . . 
I keep them in the outside refrigerator so it takes an extra special effort on my part to go out and get one.  Oh, it also helps to give half of them away.  Just sayin' . . .  these are really scrumptious and dangerously addictive!
*Refrigerator Toffee Bars*Makes 48Printable Recipe  
An oldie but a goodie.  I have had to adapt some of the ingredients to what is available here in the UK. Something sweet to feed your kiddos when the temperature rises and you don't want to be baking.
about 90 buttery rectangular crackers (Here in the UK I use TUC, but I think inNorth America they are Keebler Club House)1 (397g) tin of sweetened condensed milk (14-oz tin)200g soft light brown sugar (1 cup)125g butter (1/2 cup)60ml milk (1/4 cup)360g semi sweet chocolate chips (2 cups)
Line a 13 by 9 inch pan with tinfoil. Spray with low fat cooking spray.  Place 1/3 of the crackers in the bottom of the pan. Set aside.
Place the sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, butter and milk into a heavy based saucepan.  Cook over medium heat, stirring, until the butter has melted.  Increase heat slightly and bring to the boil.  Boil for five minutes, stirring constantly.  Pour 1/3 of this mixture over the crackers in the prepared tin.  Top with another 1/3 of the crackers.  Pour on 1/3 more toffee.  Cover with the final third of the crackers and then the remaining toffee.
Melt the chocolate chips in a glass bowl over simmering water, or in the microwave as directed on the package.  Pour over the toffee.  Spread out evenly.  Place in the refrigerator for about an hour until set. Cut into bars to serve.
The Clever cook could sprinkle the warm chocolate on top of the bars with cupcake sprinkles to dress them up prior to refrigerating.  Or you could top them with chopped roasted salted peanuts. In this case they would be almost as tasty as a Snickers Bar!  Then again, they are pretty tasty no matter what!  Bon Appetit!