
By Misslara16 @misslara
It's not illegal to dream - George Foreman

God has promised to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think... if he didn't mean it he wouldn't have promised. When I get a bit jittery about the future, I say to myself, God gave me this mind/imagination; he knows that my imaginations are as deep, wide and crazy as they are; for him to promise that he can and will exceed that, he must mean business.
As humans, we get afraid and can't enjoy the depth of freedom to dream that we have been equipped with; God has promised do not be afraid for I am your God. Do not be afraid to dream, feel free to want what you want because God has equipped us with all that concerns life and godliness. He has given us the power to dream and make choices which can either make the dream come through or kill it altogether.
I have come to notice that when you spend time with God you feel sorted, your inhibitions disappears and your fears go away.  Personally, when I start to get afraid and unsure of everything it usually means I am shifting my focus/ slipping away in my fellowship with God; this happens even to the best of us...
This brings my attention to the story of Peter in the Bible. he had a huge dream, he was passionate about God (Jesus) his dreams came through; he could so what Jesus could (Walking on water) but the moment he began to loose focus which created a connection between Jesus and Him and he began to sink! His mind wandered away and he began to notice his surroundings and this affected his Big moment
Never be afraid to dream the impossible because what seems impossible to man is a possibility with God. Bottom line is; Dare to dream, never be afraid, in times of fear and doubt turn to the one who made you and the dreams in the first place... he should have spare parts shouldn't he?
Complete trust in God and  a relationship with him will do your dreams a whole world of good.
Once again! Dare to dream. The question as to doing your part when God is involved? Story for another day...
Blessings and love