
By Claire

Last year on Eng­lish Wed­ding — in one paragraph

If you’re look­ing for my review of the year, then all I can do is point you in the direc­tion of all the gor­geous real wed­dings on Eng­lish Wed­ding blog. A lit­tle while ago I fea­tured the 200th real wed­ding on here, and you can see them all if you click on this link to real wed­dings. Other than that — I pub­lished a mar­ket­ing guide for wed­ding busi­nesses in May (it’s still avail­able), did a pre­sen­ta­tion on blog­ging for wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers and launched the Eng­lish Wed­ding eBook in November.

Get­ting out more in 2012!

So I’m begin­ning 2012 with a focus on my fam­ily — my man, his two teens, my two cats includ­ing new arrival Miffy, and my par­ents and sis­ter — and on stay­ing in con­trol. The lat­ter begins with, “Hi, my name’s Claire and I’m a worka­holic.…” hehe. We’ll see how it goes. Work so far this year includes a beeeeau­ti­ful spread­sheet sched­ule I made telling me when my work­ing hours are and more impor­tantly when they’re NOT. You know what they say about all work and no play… and to make Eng­lish Wed­ding an inter­est­ing place and me a com­pelling writer I’m going to do more things, have more adven­tures, expand my hori­zons a little.

com­ing soon… from a real wed­ding by Katy Lunsford

Eng­lish Wed­ding blog in 2012

There are plans afoot for Eng­lish Wed­ding blog too. I have shared the most irre­sistible wed­ding pho­tos on face­book already — they’re from real wed­dings com­ing soon. I’m writ­ing another mar­ket­ing guide, con­tin­u­ing with The Elite and work­ing on a big, no-holds-barred blog post about the wed­ding indus­try. I hope you’ll enjoy them.

Oh — and for every­one who will be cel­e­brat­ing the New Year tonight and tomor­row — have a good one, stay safe and smile LOTS!

Claire xxx