Reference Resource Mondays: Not In This House

Posted on the 13 April 2015 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

So, yeah. Playoffs are coming. Sorry, NBA playoffs are coming. Sorry for you NHL peeps. I’ll do my best to keep that in mind as well. But it just gets closer and I can only get more hyped.

…Oh right, this is an anime and manga blog. I’m just going to stick to that and you’ll be happy, I think!

  • Here’s a story about an anime fan…that’s blind, yet still watching anime. How?
  • When I see coverage of Anime Mirai works, I just keep wondering why companies over in the states aren’t trying to show them. Those guys…
  • So, maybe I should start studying casual Japanese instead of formal? Maybe Grace is making that case!
  • This post does make me wonder why this hobby of watching anime and reading manga seems to just be us, and no one else around us.
  • Apparently there still needs to be a defense of Oda’s One Piece. ” apparently people still think that One Piece is terrible.” Well maybe because IT IS!!!! *stops attempting to try and get into franchises, whines like Justin can only whine*
  • Someone was kind enough to do what I’ve been doing the past few years (and stopped for this season because lol busy + lazy): make a simulcast list. This one goes wayyyyy further than mine though.
  • Had never heard of a Desert Rose. Until last week of course.
  • Finally, this is a slanted, and ancient, take on scanlations, but it does have some interesting stuff, and continues to highlight the ways nothing gets done to take care of the problem.

Tweets For You, Tweets For Me

Almost started crying when I saw them

— Kougou-sama (@GtarooMan) April 5, 2015

We also have a new (free) podcast today: Western comics market vs manga, and what about josei?

— Sparkler Monthly Mag (@SparklerMonthly) April 7, 2015

I interviewed the creator of the original trollface meme about its origins, how he enforces copyright, and more.

— Patrick Klepek (@patrickklepek) April 7, 2015