On Thursday February 27, Redwood Forest Defense and the LGBTQ community responded to a Derrick Jensen speaking event at Humboldt State University. This action was in solidarity with a simultaneous demonstration at the University of Oregon in opposition to Lierre Kieth. Despite anticipation of protests and requests to cancel the event, HSU stood by belief in free speech to host Jensen. At the request of Humboldt PRIDE, Dr. Loren Cannon of the HSU philosophy department opened the presentation by exposing the social violence in Jensen’s logic.
A banner was dropped from the roof of the HSU building in which the speaking event was held. RFD had a tabling installment inside the event with information about the gender politics of Deep Green Resistance, and community members flyered outside of the room. Inside the event, allies displayed signs such as “environmental justice includes trans justice”, and “I exist” to the audience of local environmentalists and HSU students. Some audience members decided to put on pink arm bands to show allyship with transgender rights activists.
Redwood Forest Defense