Rediscovering the Amazing Feeling of Having Watched Something New and Great

Posted on the 13 November 2012 by Limette @Limette9

„You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that's what it's like when I see a store [good movie]. Only it's better.“- My version of the famous quote from Confessions of a Shopaholic 
Re-watching is essential to the art of movie-loving. I wrote about this (The Magic of Re-watching) a few weeks ago, when I realized that I needed to re-watch some movies in order to fully understand my feelings for them. Or just to maintain or re-aflame my connection to them.However, after having re-watched not-so-few movies these last days and weeks - especially all Harry Potter films - I had the feeling I was losing interest in watching new and unknown films. After all, how can you be sure to like them? How can you be sure not to be bored? How can you be sure you won't be wasting your time? Well, you can't. You can be disappointed.BUT the possibility of you becoming enlightened, wiser and also entertained, is probably just as high. So it's a 50/ 50 chance. I figured this out, however I still couldn't bring myself to watch many new movies, except from two Indian ones I didn't really like that much. This caused me to stick with season three of True Blood. But you know, there's probably someone out there or up there who knows there's still a movie enthusiast inside me, someone who's craving more and more, new, raw movie meat.This monster inside me then realized there was still a copy of that Fish Tank on my DVD shelf.
Fish Tank is pretty much the film my monster had been waiting for. After it had seduced me to watch it: "Don't be one of those series junkies. - Just a bite, it's not gonna hurt you!", it knew it had won. I was on the hook, once again. And I still am. Watching the film was in itself a great experience, because I didn't know what was going to happen and there were many unusual twists, characters and so on, and it was challenging. But the main thing that convinced me and truly got me on the hook was today, the day after watching the movie. It's the pictures, dialogues and also questions that pop into my head every now and then - actually quite often - that remind me of what it's like to have that amazing feeling of having watched something new and great.
How could I miss this for such a long time? I know I didn't have many spare hours and also I re-watched Harry Potter which was an amazing event, and I watched a very interesting series, but how could I be so unwilling to see new films? Perhaps it's got to do with the saying that you only truly value what you had when you don't have it anymore. Could be that inside I knew this and therefore was keeping away from the movie meat. Anyhow, I am super glad to have learned my lesson and excited to get back to movie wonderland. Although I am gonna have to watch season four of True Blood too, somewhere in between. But that's not going to change things at all. 
I'm back!(Ahem, this should not be related to the blogging situation. But it might count as I'm probably going to see some great movies again which will inspire me to stay up late and write about them...?).