The chart above reflects the results of the recent University Of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll -- done between February 15th and 24th of 1,200 registered voters in Texas, with a margin of error of 2.83 points. It shows how Texans feel about taxation.
Texas is a red state, so one would expect that the voters in that state would approve of the tax reform by Republicans in Washington. That plan gave huge tax cuts to the rich (about 82% of all tax benefits from the plan).
But, as this chart shows, most Texas voters disagree. They think the richest people need to be taxed more. By a 23 point margin, they think anyone making $1 million a year should be taxed more. And by a 34 point margin, they think those making $10 million a year should be taxed more.
Republican officials tell us that taxing the rich less will benefit everyone -- because that extra money the rich get to keep will "trickle-down" to everyone. Even red state voters know that is nonsense. Democrats want to tax the rich more, and Texas voters agree with them.