Red Currant Cake

By Nadjanoemi

I found this cake in an old cookbook we got from my granny. This is one of my favorite summer cakes because I don’t really like sweet stuff in summer but the red currants have such a sour taste that the cake isn’t that sweet in the end.

I normaly use fresh red currants from my granny’s garden but this year she didn’t have many so we just bought any local ones. I prepared the cake yesterday for desert as we had some invités in the evenig!

For the dough:
• 300g flour
• 200g butter
• 200g ground hazelnuts
• 3 egg yolks
• 150g icing sugar
• 1/2 package baking powder

For the topping:
• 200g sugar
• 300g red currants
• 3 egg whites

Combine butter, sugar and egg yolks. Add the ground hazelnuts, flour and baking powder. Cover a tray with parchment paper and spread the dough all over it. Bake on medium heat until lightly brown (no more than 10 minutes).
Beat egg whites and sugar until stiff. Carefully fold in the red currants. Spread on the pre baked dough and bake until lightly golden/brown.

Enjoy, Noemi (: