Beyond Outrage the sequel to the 2010 film Outrage, was written and directed by Takeshi "Beat" Kitano. The film was premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2012 and now looking to head out later this month. After checking out the latest bloody red band trailer, I think this movie will be pretty badass.
Synopsis -
Detective Kataoka (Fumiyo Kohinata) wants to start a war between the Sanno crime family, dominated by young executives, and the neighboring Hanabishi family, in the hopes that they destroy each other. His trump card is Otomo (Kitano) – the rumored-dead boss of a defunct family destroyed by the Sanno, who has just been released from prison. Otomo wants to retire from a life of crime, but finds himself drawn into the fray as the Sanno and Hanabishi clans teeter on the brink of an all-out war.
Beyond Outrage will be available on VOD on November 28th and limited theaters on January 4th.
(Via: Fist Showing)
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