Recycling Clothes

Posted on the 29 June 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

I am constantly trying to figure out what to do with old clothes.  Sometimes taking them to Goodwill or another donation place is possible.  But often the clothing is too worn, has holes, and is not salvageable for someone else to wear. When this happens, I am often baffled at what to do.  With old underwear and shirts I will save them and cut them up for rags and have found that to be a good option.  This is only good for so long though, eventually you will end up with a linen closet full of old rags.  Which just means more stuff in my house, not something I enjoy.

The biggest issue I have is with old pants.  My husband goes through jeans so quickly.  Since this happens, he will often buy jeans at Goodwill only.  It is hard to justify buying new jeans when they will have holes within six months.  Once he gets holes in his jeans, we will patch them up with iron on patches.  This is a good fix for a little while.  Those patches then become holes and I am at a loss to what to do with these old jeans.

I have seen some recent articles (here and here) about what to do with old clothing.  Apparently you can mail in your old denim and it will get recycled.  I think this is great and hopefully we will use it in the future.

Does anyone have other suggestions of what to do with old clothes? Particularly ones that are not acceptable to donate.

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