Recovery Mode: Thank God

By Elizabethwix
We got our power back on at 5:40 last evening. Really, really thrilling because we were getting cold and miserable. I can only begin to  imagine how awful it still is for so many other people. Herewith some snapshots from yesterday.

Heading uptown on the bus. Buses were free. 

In the 50's, where I went to get warm, you would not know anything was amiss at all. 

Below is either Patience or Fortitude from outside the public library.

Both of them sorely needed lately.

What a collection of candles on the dining table! Thank you, thank you, Jo Paley!

Thursday night 9pm 23rd and 8th Av.

As above

Friday: Food distribution center 10th Avenue and 27th Street manned/peopled (!) by really lovely college age women. Did I need granola?  --they were out of whole meals. I had the dog with me --did I need dog food? baby food?  Luckily I did not need anything, and said I was just  wandering round taking pictures, but thank you so much for asking.

As above. Excuse awful quality of picture.

Water from the fire hydrant on 10th Avenue opposite the swanky Avenues School.

No traffic lights still on Friday morning.

On 22nd St in the gallery district on the way to the dog park......

I discover whole galleries were utterly flooded

and liked the grafitti

and saw guys working on flooded freight elevators

and plain old junk.

Then the lights came on!

This morning is bright and crisp and cold. The High Line is shut and there is all sorts of debris to be cleared up. Note to dog: Avoid delicious smelling spoiled food.  Excuse long boring post!