Recovering from Opiates

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

Poem entitled “Opiates”

Today is my 207th day being clean from opiates….A lot of people don’t know that about me and I hope me sharing this is not a mistake but I am tired of Hiding this demon that is constantly sitting on my shoulders.
Before I can be Honest with myself….I need to be honest with everyone else.

Clean veins secure the minds fall from grace

Failed attempts to escape the eternal thirst for one last taste

Often wishing life was a dream

normal is what I need not constant up and down extremes

Apologies heard but these actions can’t be redeemed

I punish my body again and again

death is uncanny but I continue to binge

toxins spread and the lying begins

quiet remorselessness I export into anger

Why do I treat my family like meaningless distant strangers

Answers are close but so very far away

Promises ignored, trust always betrayed

never admitting my true feelings of being afraid

I’ll use tomorrow but just not today