Reconnect: All-Girl Summer Fun Band

Posted on the 15 October 2014 by Outroversion @outroversion

I made a killer Itunes playlist of great tracks from my past that I listen to criminally rarely these days. It’s been great listening to it and I figured it’d be stupid not to get some stuff on the site.

All-Girl Summer Fun Band

The first thing I do when I come across a band I used to be infatuated with but have grown distant over the years, I give them a quick google and check if their wikipedia page says “are” or “were”. I’m pleasantly surprised to find that this particular twee-pop band from Oregon are in the “are” category, as they have been since- even more unbelievably 1998!

I found them in 2002, thanks to the goldmine of undiscovered music that is 3hive. Where basically I’d go and check out bands I liked the name of- leading me to Say Hi To Your Mom, Minus The Bear, !!! and how was I supposed to resist a name like AGSFB?

In the grand scheme of things these three girls were ahead of their time; the twee explosion of 2006 saw an inundation of this fayre.

I can only really recommend the songs I know but I hadn’t listened to them in about 5 years so there’s bound to be lots more to the oeuvre now. They’re innoffensive, endorphine inducing and their albums only tend to last around 30 minutes. Who are you to resist huh?

Videogame Heart


Canadian Boyfriend


This one is kinda.. different. I don’t know if it really counts as a song but I don’t know I love it for some reason. I like my twee like I like my tea- fucking stupid amounts of sugar!

Charm Bracelet