Recommend A...Book Someone Else Recommended To You!

By Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks


'Recommend A...' is a feature by 'Chick Loves Lit' in which we recommend books based on the prompt for that week!

Recommend A...  …Book Someone Else Recommended to You.

Lots of the books I read have been recommended to me by other bloggers. However, the book that came to mind was one recommended by my English teacher whilst I was at school.
Title: 'The Bluest Eye'
Author: Toni Morrison
I am really grateful to my teacher for recommending this book to me as it started my love of Toni Morrison and meant I was exposed to history and issues I might not have thought as much about otherwise. Morrison writes a lot about slavery and black women and feminism which I find so interesting, if heartbreaking. I have just recently passed this book on to my sister so hopefully she'll think I made a good recommendation too!