Recommend A...Book By A Debut Author!

Posted on the 20 August 2012 by Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks


'Recommend A...' is a feature by 'Chick Loves Lit' in which we recommend books based on the prompt for that week!

Recommend A...  …Book By a Debut Author.

Title: Defiance Author: C.J Redwine I realised, as I was looking at the books I have read this year on Goodreads, that I don't read many debut authors! And the ones I have read I didn't like too much! However, 'Defiance' (which I think counts) bucked the trend as I absolutely adored it. I loved the setting, the characters and the danger. Rachel is such an AMAZING heroine- I really loved her. So much. She is my idol.