Recipes for Diabetes

By Dreenaburton @dreenaburton
Hi guys, I'll be back in a jiff with that rawroona roll post, but have a question for you...
I am writing an article about the benefits of eating a vegan diet for prevention of diabetes.  I need to showcase four vegan recipes for the piece: a main course, two sides, and a dessert.  I have some recipes in mind, but thought I'd ask those of you out there that have experience with diabetes, what are some of your favorite recipes from my books/blog?
Right now, I'm leaning towards a legume main dish (ex: Chickpea Ratatouille), and one side possibly the Living Caesar Salad.  For the dessert, I'm thinking about a raw dessert (one of my new ones) or a baked good with whole-grain flours and low in sweeteners.  But, also thinking about soups, and nut spreads/dips, and more...
I will bounce back and forth on this, because anyone that knows me understands how wickedly indecisive I am!!  So, any suggestions are appreciated and will help me choose these four recipes.  Thank you!