Recipe for a Moist and Juicy Turkey

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam
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For Thanksgiving, we go to my husband’s parents house each year.  I haven’t had to cook a turkey in a long time, which I kinda miss because my turkey always came out very moist and juicy.  In fact, many years ago I would cook the turkey on the BBQ grill (charcoal).  I loved cooking on the BBQ grill because that meant that I had more room in my oven for cooking the side dishes.  However, you can still make my awesome turkey in the oven.

Things You Will Need


Disposable Turkey Pan

Turkey Sized Oven Bags

Aluminum Foil

3 Small Apples

3 Sticks of Butter

Charcoal and Grill (if desired)

Directions for Cooking a Moist and Juicy Turkey

1.  Defrost the turkey in the refrigerator a few days in advance (depending on the size of the turkey) or you can defrost it in the sink using warm water.

2.  Remove the gizzards and neck bone from inside the turkey.  The neck bone is usually tucked inside the flap on the front of the turkey and the gizzards are stuffed inside the middle.

3.  Get a knife and puncture holes into the apples.

4.  Cut 1 stick of butter in half.  Stick half inside the neck area of the turkey.

5.  Stick one apple into the neck area of the turkey.

6.  Stick two apples into the main part of the turkey and one and a half  stick of butter.

7.  Place the turkey inside of the turkey bag.

8.  Get the turkey bag as tight as possible and close it as directed on the box.

9.  Wrap the turkey in several layers of aluminium foil.

10.  Place the turkey into the disposable turkey pan.

11.  Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.  If you are using a charcoal BBQ grill, do this before you prep the turkey so that the coals have a chance to get hot.

Cooking Times For a Turkey

The cooking time will vary based upon the size of turkey that you are cooking.

10-18 lb turkey will need to cook for 3 hours to 3 and a half hours.

18-22 lb turkey will need to cook for 3 and a half hours to 4 hours.

22-24 lb turkey will need to cook for 4 hours to 4 and a half hours.

24-29 lb turkey will need to cook for 4 and a half hours to 5 hours.

Checking on the Turkey to See if it is Done

To check on the turkey, take a knife and slit the top of the turkey.  Cut through the aluminum foil and turkey bag.  Peel the aluminum foil back so that you can see if the built in thermometer has popped out yet or use a thermometer.  If the thermometer reads 185, then the turkey is done.   Take the 1/2 stick of butter that was leftover from earlier, and place on top of the turkey.  Stuff it  under the skin if possible.  Then put the turkey in the oven for another 10 to 15 minutes, close up the foil as best as possible to avoid drying out the turkey.  Carve as normal.

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This post was originally written on November 21, 2102.

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