Recession Proof Your Career and Business by Becoming a Lifelong Learner!

Posted on the 06 October 2011 by Combi31 @combi31

Are you prepared to invest in yourself to gain an advantage over the competition?

What investment are you willing to make to increase your skill level?

Today’s workplace is being affected by significant changes. These changes include less job security, rapid advancements in technology, and growing skill obsolescence. It is to your benefit to position yourself for lasting business success and “employability”.

The bottom line is that success in your business or career is your responsibility. With continuous learning, you can recession-proof your career or business.

Frequently, having just one more skill can have a tremendous impact in your ability to do the job well or to lead others. It can also make a difference in your marketability and income.

The average CEO in America reads 4 to 5 books per month, while the average American only reads 1 book per year. There is also a vast disparity in the incomes of each group. Do you read more than one book each year?

According to the basketball coach, Pat Riley, “If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.

There are three steps to mastering your field:

1. Read material in your area for at least 1 hour every day.

2. Take every seminar and course available on key skills that you need.

3. Listen to self improvement programs and personal growth and development audios in your car.Per Brian Tracy, without lifelong learning, it is almost impossible for the average person to get ahead.

Are you a lifelong learner…if not, why not?

In his book, Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy says, “To perform at your best…you must develop a routine of coaching yourself and encouraging yourself to play at the top of your game.”

Here are main ways to coach yourself:

1. Regulate your inner dialog by talking to yourself positively every day.

2. Nurture a positive mental attitude by having a quality of optimism.

3. Think and talk about your goals and the things you want, rather than what you do not want.

You can use continuous learning to keep yourself motivated by listening to leading speakers and reading inspiring books.

Considering all the energy and time you spend on your career or business, why not ensure that you reach your maximum potential?

Again, are you ready to invest energy and time in yourself to gain an advantage over the competition and secure your growth in your career and business?

Author: JC DawkinsArticle Source:

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