By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

So I kind of made this up just now but it feels SO SILLY to review a bona fide classic that’s widely loved, therefore it is called “recently read” instead of a review because who am I to review Philip K. Dick?!

Here’s the synopsis from its Goodreads page:

A final, apocalyptic, world war has killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending the majority of mankind off-planet. Those who remain, venerate all remaining examples of life, and owning an animal of your own is both a symbol of status and a necessity. For those who can’t afford an authentic animal, companies build incredibly realistic simulacrae: horses, birds, cats, sheep . . . even humans.

This one is a CLASSIC and since I’m trying to make a point of going back and reading the stood-the-test-of-time science fiction writers how could I ignore this one?  Not only is it the book Blade Runner is (loosely) based on but it’s considered one of his best.

I knew that this was going to be a good book but I honestly wasn’t expecting to get so emotional over it.  The last 50 pages were heart wrecking.  And this is why:

My favorite thing to do with science fiction books is to boil them down to their most basic themes.  This is because science fiction, because it is so speculative, can communicate to a reader in ways other genres cannot.  A science fiction author can write about androids infiltrating a dying world when he’s really writing about human purpose and individuality.  Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the book:

By far my favorite story line was that of J.R. Isidore.  His struggle to prove not only to others but to himself that he was worthy of even a thought was a heartbreaking endeavor to read, but in the best way.  And honestly, it ends worse than it starts.  And any literary nerd will tell you that a little heartbreak goes a long way in communicating an idea, and this is what Philip K. Dick does best.

So, obviously 5 out of 5 stars for the science fiction classic “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”!