Recap: Blogshop Boston

By Lifeonthesquares @lifeonthesqs

As most of you probably know from my Friday post & my instagram account, I went up to Boston this past weekend to take blogshop! I would’ve given you a recap sooner, but traveling and getting back to my day job was hectic yesterday! Anyways, I went to take this class already being very familiar with Photoshop, but wanted to get some extra creative tips and learn the shortcuts. Angela and Bri were FAB-U-LOUS teachers, and I highly recommend this class to any beginner or intermediate in Photoshop. It never hurts to learn a little more & see someone else’s perspective. A special thanks to Amelia of Colour Bloc for hosting me and a very special thank you to Heidi of Dooley Noted Style for getting us there! PS check out both of their blogs, they are pretty amazing!

See a recap of the little blogshop moments above. You can also go to my instagram account, @lifeonthesquares, and find more pictures, or lookup #blogshopboston to see an overview of everyone’s photos. xx, Stefanie