Anything that makes me start singing 'Reasons to be Cheerful, part 3' has to be a good thing in its own right. I was a teenager when this song was released, I was a huge fan of Ian Dury and the Blockheads and to this day I rate him highly.
I was thinking about songs that remind me of January, well actually closer to the truth I kept singing:
"January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go, don't go" (Pilot 1975)
This is not a song I have ever liked. In 1975 I was probably still in the thrall of the Osmond family and in particular Donny, I was not a fan of Pilot. I cannot even remember anything else that they sang but this song gets stuck in my head in January. So replacing it with a better song was a must!
I struggle with January, it is the cold and gray month and the one where we most usually get snow. It also seems a long month so it drags on and on. So I could sit here feeling terribly sorry for myself, singing songs I do not like to myself, but instead I went for a wander around the garden and Ian Dury suddenly popped into my mind. As I walked around I was finding lots of reasons to be cheerful; so I present to you:
and this is my 300th post
Yes, there are reasons to be cheerful.