Real Personality

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Once in a while an old friend shows you the mirror and you are forced to see yourself through her eyes. You are not sure if you like your reflection. But you don't want to be who she said you 'were' once either. It is such conundrum to be in. To be fair, I asked for it! They are not kidding when they say be careful what you ask for, it might come true! It sure gets my brain-cells running wild though.   

Do I want to be the 'perceived me'? Or do I want to be 'who I think I am'? Our real personality, probably lies somewhere in between. The median of the two images: 1) who we think we are and 2) the image we project to the world. Both are equally true. And equally interesting I would hope! I have never really thought about what image I am projecting about myself through this blog. But I do know that it is not the 'correct' one. People who know me in real life would agree. However, no matter what you choose to say/do/project or not, it would always boil down the perception and interpretation. When it is not completely in your hands why waste time trying to maneuver in any one direction or other right?  

Top - Splendid via Nordstrom [13']

Jeans - GAP [11']
Necklace - From India [10']
Shoes - From Amritsar, India [11']
Camera Bag - ONA [13']