We think it's terribly easy to hear the Madonna essence throughout this track, and whilst Madonna has most recently become one of the cringiest names in music, in her hay-day (which is when we're referring to in our comparisons) she was an absolute idol whom no-one could touch. The way in which Molly's voice swings softly really does hold up closely to Madge, but even so, there are also elements of our favourite, Florence, and this really speaks to us - exclaiming that big things are on the horizon.
The pace is very different here, and we're sure it'll appeal to an even bigger fanbase. You'll notice that the percussive side of things is much more prominent, and there's even a semi-modern "wop" that continuously plays in the background throughout - though, it's not intrusive.
There's plenty to praise throughout this single, and we're so proud that Molly has managed to keep up our expectations ... she's going to go places for sure!