Real Birth Story; My Partner Said I Had Wet Myself

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

My story begins in December 2009 when I found out I was pregnant, I was only 17 years old, I met a fantastic bloke and within months we were expecting our first child. My pregnancy was straight forward with no serious complications only the constant water infections and being anaemic.


My due date was originally the 8Th august 2010, my due date came and went, I tried all the old wife’s tales to get my little boy out (may I add they were all the safe ones, I tried clary sage oil in bath, pineapple, spice foods) but nothing worked. I remember on the night of the 12th august 2010 I stuffed myself silly with tones of junk food, nothing out of the ordinary for me as I loved eating crisps and basically crap, what pregnant woman doesn’t?

I remember waking up to needing a wee like usual early hours in the morning, I did what I had to do and got back into bed, I was just drifting back off when suddenly a gush of warm fluids, I panicked and woke my partner who delightfully informed me that I had probably just wet myself. I assured him he was wrong, as I waddled to the toilet leaking water everywhere I proceeded to have my clear out of my back end as my waters were leaking, I didn’t get off the toilet for a good hour.

My contractions had started as soon as my waters had broken; I wasn’t as scared as I thought I would be, I was just in pain. I rang the unit as the hospital at 7am to inform them I thought my waters had gone, I went in for a quick examination which confirmed my waters had indeed gone and I was having contractions.

They sent me home where I began passing the living room my partner cousin turned up as she was my birthing partner too, she sat on the laptop timing my contractions, my god they were all over the place by this point and were getting more intense. We decided to go back to the hospital after stopping at the patrol station to get fuel, food and something to  drink, you know the usual all while I was having contractions in the car.

We arrived at the hospital and I was only a few cms dilated I was a bit upset the midwife gave me a birthing ball to voice on, 2 bounces and I was running to the sink to be sick yuk.

I had the most useless midwife ever she just sat at the end of my bed writing in my notes not talking to me at all, she went and got me gas and air which was my best friend for the next god knows how many hours, as I lay on the bed having strong contractions I remember saying to my partners cousin “Debs I think I’ve just peed myself” she assured me that I hadn’t, after this we decided to try the birthing pool.

This began well eased the pains a little but with the gas and air I was just not with it I remember looking at my partner and his cousin and they were both in stitches. I wondered why and it was not until a few days after they informed me I had sort of passed out and dipped my head under the water quickly and was soaked.

I proceeded to getting out of the pool as I wasn’t progressing, I lay back on the bed as I was getting contractions my legs were going everywhere and I was screaming in pain. My mother and sister turned up and my twin brother waited in the family room (bless him).

The midwife went and got as I recall it a toad stool (a stool shaped like a toilet seat). I had my sister behind me with me on the stool pushing down on her legs (my poor sister must have had massive bruises). I was pushing for what seemed like forever, I could feel the burning and stinging sensation, that’s one pain every woman cant forget. The final pushes came and my little boy Kayden Jay Knibbs was in the world at 6:45am, weighing 7lbs 14 1/2 ozs.

My birthing partner took pictures of my little boy coming out and I also split my inner lip which still to this day nearly 2 years ago has not healed properly and I have a gap!

I’m requesting my maternity notes from the hospital as I’ve been told you can do this; I will be intrigued to see why the midwife wrote so much and spoke so little.