Real Birth Story; I Didn’t Want Help, I Wanted to Do It

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

I found out I was pregnant a week after my 21st birthday, at first I panicked like mad.  I had a 3 day bender for my 21st, not to Christmas and New Year were 2 weeks before and all the staff party’s where I had consumed a lot of alcohol in those first 7/8weeks I was pregnant and hadn’t known.


I only found out as that weekend after work we got a staff drink and I took a sip of my vodka and thought I was going to throw up, I walked home thinking, uh oh I think I’m late, I’d never had regular periods but I didn’t normally go 7/8 weeks without one so I took a test and sure enough I was pregnant.

The rest of my pregnancy went well, nothing out of the ordinary, I was due on September 4th 2010, it was my aunt’s birthday and she couldn’t wait to become a great aunt and really wanted to share a birthday with my baby. September 4th came, and went, as did every single day for 12 days after that.

I didn’t even have a niggle, no Braxton hicks, nothing. September 16th, I was taken into hospital to be induced, I was a cm dilated. At 4pm I was given a pessary, still nothing. 11pm and I started feeling a bit sore, 5am and I could no longer sleep as the contractions had started properly. There was another lady on the ward had been up all night too and she was induced after me, they examined her. At 7am when the day shift came on, she was 7cm; let’s get u gas and air, yes I thought I’ll be the same if not further.

The midwife came to me, examines me, yeah you are 1cm, my heart sank, I was sure I’d be further on.  I had a bath, used the tens machine, birthing ball, walked about. 2pm and I had my show and the pessary came out with it, bugger I thought, knowing if the pessary came out less than 24hours then the process would have to start again.

We will examine you again, I was told, I was 2cm, they said =they would stop examining me for a while as it was upsetting me not hearing any good news. By 6pm I was in agony, I could barely make it 3 steps out of bed before another contraction had me gripping something to help me stay upright as I felt I was going to faint.

My family had come in to visit me so my other half helped me down the corridor to sit and chat to them in the waiting room, after I was back on the ward and constantly needing the toilet but nothing was happening when I’d get to the toilet. I needed a number 2 I thought, but nothing was happening.

The midwife didn’t even think to ask me why I kept asking to be taken off the monitor to go to the loo, finally at 10pm, the tea and biscuits had just come out but I was in too much pain. I couldn’t even eat them, a midwife passed, you don’t look very well are you not managing very well now, no I cried.

She quickly got some gloves and came to examine me, oh your ten centimetres she exclaimed, have you felt the urge to push, yes for the last 4 hour! So off to labor ward I was carted, suddenly panic set in, no I’m not ready to have a baby, I can’t do it, my other half was brilliant, of course you can he said, in labor ward I was given a catheter as it was discovered I hadn’t managed to pee at any of my numerous toilet visits.

They also broke my waters, I was given gas and air but I refused it as it makes me feel sick and I felt ill enough. I agreed to Remyphentaline though I’m sure it is just in the mind thinking if I push this button during a contraction it will help, at 2am I had surgeons and anaesthetists come in and talk to me, you are pushing brilliantly they said but your cervix is still too high and we can only just feel the baby’s head.

We need to think about helping you, I didn’t want help, I wanted to do it myself, I got very emotional but my other half made me see sense. I couldn’t do it, I was putting me and our baby in distress, I needed medical help.

They took me to theater and gave me a spinal and were hopeful they would manage with forceps and not have to do a caesarean. They did manage it, I was too out of it to see but my other half says they were pulling with some force, hardly surprising I had an episiotomy, second degree tear and internal tears, but that was it.

4.03am my son was born 9lb 10oz and 14days late! He had a big mark above his eye from the forceps but 2 days later it had gone, I healed well and my wee man seemed perfectly fine, we left the hospital 2days later and are such a happy little family.