Ready to Run

By _jessismore @_jessismore
So something happened a few weekends ago that I never thought would happen... ... I ran {I use that term loosely} a 5k.  As in willingly exerted myself for 5 kilometers. Lauren, Meg, and I participated in The Color Run a.k.a. "the happiest 5k on the planet." It definitely lived up to its reputation. Our husbands came out to support us.  And by "support us" I mean 'sit in lawn chairs drinking beer, losing track of time, and getting lost.'  But we're over that now... 

The entire experience unexpectedly spurred a desire to run on a regular basis.  Now, I have never consider myself someone who would ever run on purpose... for fun.  But my mind has changed.  I think Jeremiah's has too.  

Maybe because he's turning thirty on Saturday, but he is more motivated than ever to work on his fitness. Our first run sesh lasted about 20 minutes before we were dying of shin splints and heel aches -- we both knew we weren't doing something right.  Enter: a professional running store.  
GEAR Running Store in Edina specializes in running {obviously}.  We were immediately greeted by the owner, who made us walk... stand on one foot... run... and do all sorts of things before he recommended shoes for us.  Once we found a pair that was a good fit, he took us outside to do a "test run."  Well, it turns out that us rookies sucked at running -- and it turns out that there is actually proper form and a real science to it.  Now that we've been to the Running 101 Crash Course, our last two 'practices' have been so much better.  We are so flippin' out of shape, but we are getting there. 

I'm so glad that we're doing this together, and I'm happy we have a fun fitness goal to work towards.  It makes all the difference.  And just check out my awesome new kicks.  They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn.  

Are you a runner?  Got any tips for the hubs and me?