Ready Made Vs Home Cooked Food For Kids; Is It Important?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


While we all know the benefits of providing our kids with healthy and nutritious foods, is serving up home cooked meals daily something all parents should be doing?

I personally do cook more home made meals than buying in ready made or take away foods as home cooked meals tend to be more cheaper for us as we feed 8 at each sitting. We do have the everyday frozen vegetables and chips for easiness sometimes and the kids love burgers and hotdogs which we buy rather than make ourselves.

Preparing meals for a large family can be time consuming and cause arguments as not everyone likes the same foods, while some of my kids will tuck into their veggies others leave well alone. It is difficult to cook a meal that all 8 of us enjoy.

The cost of takeaway is one of the biggest factors to why we eat it only on the odd occasions.

The importance of home-cooked food, whether or not you are on a diet or a weight loss program, can never be overemphasized. For one, home-cooked food is definitely more nutritious and healthy than outside food as it is not produced on a mass scale, and more importantly, it is prepared by your family members, which further goes on to ensure 100% hygiene and wholesomeness. Moreover, home-cooked food is fresh, unlike restaurant food, where there are chances that you may be served food that has been sitting in a warmer a good part of the day. Street Directory Tells Us.

I do agree that home cooked food always tastes better and I do like to know what my children are eating.

Ready Made Vs Home Cooked Food For Kids; Is It Important?