Ready for the Holidays

By Thedesignerpad @TheDesignerPad

It's that time of year when we all have a list of small projects around the house to get it ready for holidays and our guests. One that I have been putting off for a while, but I knew I couldn't procasnitate any longer, was revamping this cute little vintage desk I found a few months back in one of our many trips upstate New York. Don't get me wrong, the desk was in pretty good shape but I felt a fresh coat of paint will liven it up and give it a new fresh look. As a contributor blogger to MyColortopia, I came across this amazing Glidden Trim & Door paint that I knew would work wonders for my project. Since it's an oil base paint, I knew it would give it the glossy, lacquer-like finish I was going for.

Due to its revolutionary Gel-Flow™ Technology, Glidden Trim & Door paint glides smoothly across any surface without leaving any drips or those funky brush marks we often can't stand. Being an old desk, the paint also filled in a few of the dents and minor imperfections it had and really made it look that much better. Trust me, it worked like magic!! My desk looks very slick.

Also, to add a bit of whimsy to my project —and keep some of the desk's old character— I decided not to paint the drawer and leave some of the natural wood exposed. I think it's a bit more fun that if I had painted all white... Don't you agree? Of course, replacing the originall pull with a white enamel one also made a difference. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the transformation and I'm quite certain my guests will love it too.