Reading List for May 2013

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
Lately, my reading habits (it is actually an addiction) have gone turbo. I have been chain reading like a madwoman. Because of the escalation, there may be a need to increase the number of books in my reading list for May 2013. 
The First Pillar (Everville #1) by Roy Huff

Numbers (Numbers #1) by Rachel Ward

The Chaos (Numbers #2) by Rachel Ward

Infinity (Numbers #3) by Rachel Ward

City of Bones (Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare
City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels (Mortal Instruments #4) by Cassandra Clare City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5) by Cassandra Clare
The Taker (The Taker Trilogy #1) by Alma Katsu

The Reckoning (The Taker Trilogy #2) by Alma Katsu The Witch Sisters (The Taker Trilogy #25) by Alma Katsu
The Hit by David Baldacci

I shall post my reviews of as many of the books on the list that I finish reading. You see, there are times when I start reading a book and simply abandon it due to its lack of... ah... er... um... Desirability.  All the books on this reading list are available on or you can simply click on the title or on the images.