While I’m finishing some reviews, here are some bookish news items seen recently:
- Outlander the TV show: I am all about the new Outlander cable TV show. Diana Gabaldon is heavily involved in every aspect of production, and it’s being made by Ronald Moore, the guy who made Battlestar Galactica. Moore and Gabaldon have given plenty of interviews, but this latest one says the series will not shy away from some of the violence in Outlander. Unfortunately, the “titillating” sound of this article has people wondering whether this book is more like Fifty Shades of Gray – it isn’t! It’s history, time travel, romance – the whole works. It’s not S&M, people. I just hope the show is as good as it promises to be. (Side note: I love Gabaldon’s comment about soldiers reading her books with their spouses.) http://www.wired.com/2014/06/geeks-guide-diana-gabaldon/
- Marion Zimmer Bradley: Anyone following the news that the daughter of late fantasy author Marion Zimmer Bradley recently accused her mother of years of sexual abuse. It’s generated some interesting discussions in the fantasy community about what you do when someone whose work you admire turns out to be a monster. Of course Bradley can’t defend herself, but there doesn’t seem to be too much debate (Bradley’s husband was in fact convicted of molestation). Still, Bradley is an icon, a role model in the male dominated world of fantasy writing. It’s a lot like the Woody Allen issue, which in my opinion hasn’t generated nearly enough discussion. I can say that I appreciated Mists of Avalon but can’t call myself a super-fan. What if one of my heroes did something like this? Would I stop reading? Stop buying? One author says she’ll never recommend Bradley’s work again. And how does this impact how you read her books? http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/jun/27/sff-community-marion-zimmer-bradley-daughter-accuses-abuse
- Neil Gaiman video game: This is very cool. Neil Gaiman has created a video game called Wayward Manor, which will release July 14. It seems to be a cartoon-based gothic mystery/ghost story kind of game, which is what I like. The game will play on PC, Mac and tablets and will be sold through Steam. I couldn’t see whether this is more aimed at kids or adults, maybe both. I pretty much have zero time for games, it’s taken me years just to get through Dragon Age, but I can’t wait to hear more about this one. http://whohauntsneil.com/welcome/.