Reading All of the Books!

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

To move forward with the 30 before 30 project, I realized that there are a number of things that I need to do and put in place to really make it happen. One of these things was making lists. Many lists to keep track of all the things and to figure out some starting points. The first list I tackled after the initial list of things I need to do to get started, was the list of books I own that I haven’t read yet. I had to go through my shelf and make a list of books I have yet to read. It took a bit of time as my bookshelf is quite full. My book collection used to be much larger too, believe it or not. Many of my books are in storage currently, and a couple of years back I donated some and sold many more to a used book store for credit to buy yet more books. To put it plainly, I love reading and my home would simply feel empty without the books I have in it.

I was actually surprised at how few books there are in my bookshelf that I haven’t read. There were exactly 3:

  1. The Plague Dogs – by Richard Adams
  2. The English Patient – by Michael Ondaatje
  3. The Phantom of the Opera – by Gaston Leroux

I feel like this task will be daunting, nevertheless I am going to do it! They are slightly heavier reads, being that they are mostly classics. I will come out triumphant and will be very excited to be able to cross this off my list when it is accomplished. Let’s get this project started. :)