Readers’ Workouts — July 2

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where we share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges. Join us each Tuesday!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’ve been exercising while watching made-for-TV teen movies (Readers’ Workouts — May 7). Last week, I found the perfect one for the reading athlete: Avalon High. The main character is a runner and the plot is permeated with a King Arthur theme that plays out in a charming fashion. Also, it turns out that pretend sword play is really great exercise — lots of lunging and strong arm movements.

My healthy lifestyle pretty much fell apart in June — except for the exercise bit. I met my goal to work out for 1000 minutes after our return from France. So, now, I’m trying to rebuild the rest of my healthy lifestyle on that good foundation. That includes setting an ambitious exercise goal for July — 1500 minutes.

How is your exercise going right now? Answer on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants for support and encouragement — because we all need it sometimes.