Readers’ Workouts — February 26

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, our weekly gathering of bookish folks doing active things. How was exercise for you in the past week? What are your plans for the coming week? Link your post below (feel free to grab the logo) or tell your story in the comments. Don’t forget to visit the links to offer encouragement and support to other participants!

12 K Challenge Update at Team Kickin It:  We’ve nearly completed the first month. Assuming that I do my workout today, I will have done exactly as I intended: performed 1K of HIIT in the midst of 3K workout on the treadmill each week. Next month I’ll bump that 1K of HIIT up to 2Ks — woohoo!

Announcing the 100 Day Challenge at The Partyka Project. Today I’m starting a new challenge that has only a little bit to do with fitness, but a lot to do with happiness and I’m definitely into fitness for the happiness quotient. I stole a couple of Mari’s ideas and changed some to fit my own plans.

One hundred days from today, I will be enjoying my first full day home from our trip to France. In other words, I’ll be jet-lagged. “Kiss in Paris” will be the last of these goals met.

Most of these are self-explanatory. For the fitness goal, I’m planning 1400 minutes each month. My original goal for February was 1300 minutes, but it looks like I can make it to 1400 minutes. In either case, that’s the intention for March, April, and May.

For “learn Something new,” I’m completely stealing from Mari: 100 new French vocabulary words. Those will come in handy!

In the future, I’ll update the non-fitness goals in a separate post from Readers’ Workouts, but I wanted you all to know about this challenge in case you’re interested in joining us.

Are you doing either of these challenges? What are your challenges and goals for fitness right now?