I completed 500 minutes yesterday, on February 10, which puts me exactly on track to meet my goal of 1400 minutes in February.
My big exercise news for this week is what I will no longer be doing. I’m giving away my Wii Fit Plus. When I got it for my birthday in 2010 it was a big deal. I was six months in to my finally successful weight loss journey. The Wii helped me broaden my notion of what I was capable of doing for fitness.
But I’ve outgrown it. It’s been gathering dust for months. I decided I could find it a better home where it will get more use. This feels like a giant step for me, to give away what was once an important piece of exercise equipment and accept that I’ve moved on.
Have you ever grown out of a form of exercise?
Talk about your fitness activities on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants to see how we all did.