Readers’ Workouts — April 2

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, the weekly event where we share workout stories, goals, successes, and challenges. A new month is a great time to begin start a Tuesday habit of linking up with Readers’ Workouts for accountability and support.

I missed my March goal of 1400 minutes, but 1305 minutes is enough that I’m willing to aim for 1400 again in April.

My excuse is allergies. But, truthfully, it wasn’t until yesterday that allergies were a good excuse. My primary symptom is malaise, making it difficult to get myself to do much of anything. I need to remind myself that exercise actually helps me feel better and gives me energy.

Yesterday, though, the symptoms were more systemic and included balance and stomach issues so I’ll give that an excused absence and hope that things are better in a day or two so that I can get going on this month’s 1400 minutes.

Did you go out of March like a lion or a lamb? What are your goals for April? Answer on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants to see how we all did.