Readers Being Thankful!

By Stacyeaton @StacySEaton

As the US Holiday of Thanksgiving nears it's a good time to remind ourselves of what we are thankful for.

In October when I released Blessings and Beans, Book 12 of The Celebration Series that center's around Thanksgiving, I sent out a newsletter to my readers and they had the chance to enter to win two prizes by telling me what they were thankful for. 
Before I start sharing what they gave me permission to share, I wanted to give a quick shout out to the winners of the giveaway and share what they are thankful for.  
The Winner of the Coffee Clock: Aisha L.
<>I’m thankful for my mom because she thinks daily that I don’t appreciate her but I love and appreciate her more than anything. My mom is there no matter what happens to me in life. Every surgery, every time I’ve almost died, and every achievement. I don’t know what I would do without her and I will be sad the day I must say goodbye to her.

The Winner of the Thankful Mug: Joy C.
Being able to walk today - I have MS and a few years back I was watching television went to stand up and found myself on the floor , I spent a year relearning to walk without normal sensation and the other fun stuff that comes with nerve damage - now I am wobbly on some days but kicking @ss on others -I can drive again , can't run but can Zumba - not perfectly don't judge 😂😂 I am thankful I am stubborn - never believe there is anything you can't accomplish -

Now, let's see what other people said:
Lacey W: my family, my farm and my good life 
Tina B:  My family, friends and our 2 border collies!
Sandy H:  My family, my health, and my happiness.
Theresa A:  I’m thankful for my daughter, my 2 fur babies, my steady job, and my iPad (filled Kindle app)!
Debbi S: health and vision
Teresa M: My family's health (4 kids, husband, extended family)
 Katherine W: I am thankful that my mom has been blessed with an amazing oncologist who is helping her kick Colon Cancer’s butt!
Donna Clancy: I am truly thankful that God gave me the gift of words and I can give my readers a way to visit another place and get lost in my words, if only for the time it takes to read my book.

Amanda A: My kids and baby due on Christmas. Best present ever!
Lamar J: Family and friends
Teresa C: Being on disability because of having knee replacement that didn't go well and then having it redone, I am thankful for being able to volunteer at the Salvation Army 3 days a week serving lunch to homeless and anyone else who comes in to eat and also thankful that I can be a member of the Emergency Disaster Team locally.
Marlene: For beating cancer for the third time with the support of my husband and family. I am truly blessed.
Rose F: My family
Suleika S: I am thankful that my family and friends in Puerto Rico are ok after Maria and that no one I know suffered major losses specially my elderly parents who I was sure would be homeless.
 Lore F: you can't be more thankful than having very healthy and happy, not to mention smart, granddaughter. She is truly a joy to be around!

PatsyB: Retirement: This allowed me to be there for my mother in law when she was dying of pancreatic cancer. It is also allowing me to be my new grandson's babysitter. Jenn D: My family and my health (@ just 61, I have outlived both parents who died in their 50s) Rhonda: My Health, Family and Friends Maureen C: The fact that between 2004 - 2008 I survived breast cancer and replacement of my aortic valve surgery. For this I am truly thankful. Shannon: my kids Jane N: I am thankful that my Dad made it through his heart surgery today with no complications. Cynthia G: family

 Lisa D: I am thankful for my son who is 4 and i thought i would never have kids. Beverly M: My freedom 😀thankful for a free country to live in! Melanie M: My children—they are healthy and happy and bring me joy. Cynthia S: My family and the ability to enjoy seeing the next generation growing up.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2 of Readers Being Thankful and you'll get to see more great comments, plus what I am thankful for! 

Leave a comment about what you are thankful for and ONE lucky Winner will win an electronic copy of my newest release: Mistletoe Fantasies