Readathon Hour 14!

Posted on the 28 April 2013 by Lesbrary @lesbrary

Currently reading: Unwritten Volume 5 by Mike Carey and Peter Gross (no lesbian content)

And how is it? Good! I’m almost to the volume I haven’t read yet! Excitement!

Pages read this hour: A little more than a graphic novel

Pages read so far: 331, 4.9 graphic novels

Books completed: The Body Geographic by Barrie Jean Borich, Lunatic Fringe by Allison Moon, Unwritten Volumes 1-4 by Mike Carey and Peter Gross

Food eaten this hour: Kettle corn! I was looking forward to it. Yum.

Interruptions: Nothing!

Anything else? I just caught a moth and transported it down the stairs and out the front door using only my hands! (At least, I think I did.) Hooray! I didn’t want to kill it, but I didn’t want it in my face either.