Read Your Bookshelf A Thon 6

By Jazmin-Jade

This is a week long read-a-thon where you pick a spot on your shelf then you make your way through the books on your shelf from that point! This round goes from 22nd-29th of September. This read-a-thon doesn’t seem to have a global start time so I will just be doing it from midnight in my own time zone!

So here is the part of my shelf I am hoping to get through:

I will try and do daily updates on twitter since this is a twitter based read-a-thon. I haven’t used twitter befoe, and I don’t really understand it but we shall see how I go haha. I will try and do an update every three days on here so you guys can keep up with what is happening.

Let me know id you are partaking! Also, give me tips on twitter. I understand nothing haha.

Here is my twitters

Till Next Time…