Read This Before Taking Your Phone Travelling

By Jolene Ejmont @Wanderluststory

Whenever you go travelling, you take your trusty mobile phone with you. It lets you navigate your destination, uncover hidden gems, capture beautiful moments in still and moving image, and keep in touch with your loved ones. In our world, it is increasingly impossible to imagine daily life without our personal devices, and losing or breaking them is a true nightmare scenario.

The nightmare is even bigger, however, when you imagine being electronically stranded in an unfamiliar location. Read on for our top tips to safeguard your phone when travelling physically and financially.

1. Know your roaming

When you take your mobile phone abroad, you want to be able to do as much of what you normally do as possible with it. Additionally, it is nice to be able to research an unfamiliar restaurant quickly or locate an address in a foreign city, complete with walking directions.

Data roaming, however, can quickly blow up your phone bill, so make sure you understand your carrier's roaming charges well before you take off. This way, you can avoid nasty surprises which are bound to ruin the relaxation and good mood which you have gathered on your trip as well as blow your budget. There are many networks such as Three who provide their customers with free data roaming on certain plans for a range of countries abroad, but this is by no means the case across the board, so understanding the roaming fees for your network is essential.

There are many intricacies to using your mobile phone while travelling, ranging from mobile data usage or the abolished EU roaming charges (but watch out for caveats!). Get informed about your options in order to surf and call responsibly!

2. Phone insurance

Sometimes physical security is not enough to protect your mobile phone: A fall is too great, a puddle of water is too deep, or a pickpocket is too swift, and the result is total loss. For situations like these when you truly have to say goodbye to your mobile, phone insurance can provide quick and welcome relief. It is generally an inexpensive and very useful thing to have, especially given the frequency and extent of the beating mobile phones tend to go through with everyday use. The need for phone insurance is even greater if you plan on taking it travelling due to the increase in activities, risks of pick pocketers targeting tourists and other dangers you may encounter whilst abroad.
There are a number of insurance plans to choose from. Mind you, not all of them apply in situations of total loss only. They can well provide you with a new device if your old one gets a nasty scratch or incurs other non-fatal flaws. Do your research and pick out the right plan for you.

3. Protective casing

Phone cases have become a booming industry. As soon as mobile phones became smart and overwhelmingly touchscreen-based, the need for additional protection grew exponentially. A well-designed phone case protects your mobile phone's body completely and offers a slightly raised edge around the screen. In doing so, it minimises the chances of fatal damage upon impact, say, if your phone slips out of your hands while you walk down a charming cobblestone street.

For travel, phone case wallets are a great idea as you can store all your cash, cards, important documents and phone in one simple place. In addition to securing the body and the screen edges of your phone, consider adding extra display security with a sturdy glass cover, too.

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  • Have you ever had anything happen to your phone whilst on holiday?
  • Do you normally take out phone insurance before heading off on a trip!

Originally from South Africa, now living in Australia, Jolene is a wife and a mother to three beautiful daughters. Together with her family, she is embarking on a journey towards changing her current stress-filled life to one focusing on her dreams and her passion for travel. She wants to share her stories in the hope to inspire you to chase your own dreams!