Happy Monday friends. I'm linking up with a few of my blogger friends to share some real life, real raw moments with you about Motherhood. Hey let's get real here - motherhood is crazy! It's not all these gorgeous photos of light shining through on our perfect moment smiling with our daughter. In fact, today's topic is how our kids always need us. And what exactly do my children always need it seems?
Not my husband. Not one another. Just me. Always at the same time. It's kind of a running joke between my husband and myself that both our kids tend to always gravitate towards me and not him. But as Mom's aren't we mostly the 'care taker' the 'calmer one' or just that affectionate person.Of course I'm not saying Zach isn't these things but for whatever reason, my kids at all times, just need their Mother.
But on the contrary, what do my kids tend to gravitate towards needing all the time?
1. Their Butts Wiped- This may seem funny but it's true. My four year old tends to do it herself 90% of the time but lately she's been yelling from the hall bathroom "MOM! Come wipe my butt!" It's really awesome when guests are over too. #HelpMe
2. Sleeping Next To Them - My daughter has been in a phase the last few months where she wants my husband, or mostly myself, to lay down with her after her bath has been finished and her books have been read. Some kids love having their backs scratched or a song to help them go to sleep. My daughter just wants someone to lay down with her, which I really do love while she's still little.
3. Help With Projects - Although my oldest is only 4 and only gets a few projects to bring back to school, I know in the future she'll need help with school work. Writing is my love language but math and I have a mutual understanding that we just don't work well together. Thank goodness my husband is good with numbers to help in that subject. I actually can't wait to assist her in what she might need help with .
4. Kissing Boo Boos- The other day Landon took a pretty big tumble as he's learning to pull himself up onto everything and slowly beginning to crawl from room to room. Ahh it's crazy. Because of this, he obviously is prone to pretty big bumps and bruises, one that both my kids seems to be getting all the time. I'm the one that always kisses those bumps and bruises, assuring them that No...we don't need to cut that finger off..today ;) I'm the one that puts those bandaids on ( my daughter always asks for these ) and kisses them to feel better.
We need our Dad's and Mom's for different things. For my daughter, she only needs me when she need an extra push or reassurance. For my son- it's 24/7 ( a true Mom's boy at the moment ). I know I'm going to look back at these moments in a few years when Lily is 15 and Landon is 13..when the time comes for me to drop them off a few blocks away so they aren't seen with me or want me to hold their hand. Right now, I'm enjoying those moments..even if they are a bit traumatic or embarrassing.