Rats Never Looked This Adorable

Posted on the 09 July 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Some people, especially women gets totally freaked out when they hear the word ‘rats’ or ‘mice’. But, that won’t happen here, because these rats are so adorable.

Apparently the photographer, Ellen van Deelen seems to love rats. She even has decided to form a rat band called “The Rat Pack”, and you can check out how they did in their first gig in these cute photos.

Ellen’s The Rat Pack, A Humorous Look at Extraordinary Mice photo book contains a lot more photos of these mice with miniature musical instruments.

[Via: Laughing Squid / Source & Image credit- Ellen van Deelen]
(All the images, trademarks, logo’s shown on this post are the property of their respective owners)

Roshan Jerad Perera