As you can see, the rate of homosexuality and bisexuality in the US has been rising steadily for decades now. Or has it? Who knows!
This is the main problem I have with the Gay Rights crap. I have been saying forever now that the more the gays push and push, the rate of homosexual behavior is going to climb and climb.
No one knows if anyone is born gay. No one knows what the rate of homosexuality is. Maybe it’s 3%. But is it always 3%, forever, all around the globe? Who knows? Could it maybe be 20% someday or in someplace? No one knows.
It’s true that male sexual orientation cannot be altered past age 15, but even that notion makes gays very angry. This is why: the gay scam is that all gay men were “born that way” but any of us straights can just convert to bisexuality anytime we want to. Wink wink. Clever game they play, see how it works? Anyway, gays have even admitted that the born that way thing is a lie. They have no idea if it’s even true or not. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, but they don’t say it because they think it’s true. They say it because it’s clever propaganda.
They just invented th born that way line because they thought people would like them more if they thought gays could not help being gay. But they are on record as saying that that they themselves don’t even know if it’s true and that it’s basically just a propaganda lie the gays made up. Yes they are on the record saying exactly that, I am serious. And the gays say that what their goal really is is that even if all gay men chose to be gay, that that would be ok too. That’s their endgame.
The 10% scam is another great big fat lie. The gays repeat the 10% lie endlessly. It is based on Kinsey’s flawed research, and no other studies have ever replicated it. All modern surveys come up with 2-3%. But the gays keep chanting 10% over and over, and all of us are expected to go along with the 10% lie, lest we be homophobes if we don’t fall for it.
OK so all gays and bis are “born that way,” right? This is the gay lie, or scam or whatever. OK, if that’s true, then why the Hell is the rate going up? Is whatever factor causes them to be born that way increasing steadily in our modern era, oddly paralleling the increase in gay rights? And what might that factor be? No one knows. And why might it be rising in tandem with gay rights? Hmmm.
The gays have a scammy answer to this question. According to the gays, the rate of homosexuality is never going up! If it appears to be going up, that’s only because more and more are “coming out of the closet.” Wink wink. Obviously this stupid theory is not even falsifiable, but never mind. Do you see how this scam works? Wink wink. Even if the rate were going up or even skyrocketing, we would never be able to tell because all of the increases were just people coming out of the closet. Wink wink. Hell, we could get to 90% gay and bi (we are probably headed there anyway I assume) and the gays would deny that any increase ever took place. All of those 90% were just in closet before slowly coming out with every new generation. Wink wink.
There is zero science or even logic in nearly all of the shibboleths that the gays push. Gay Politics is just another form of Identity Politics – it’s propaganda for gays just as feminism is propaganda for women, MRA’s are propaganda for men, BLM type movements are propaganda for Blacks, trans rights is propaganda for trannies, on and on. None of the arguments of any of these movements are based even 1% on science or even logic. All of these movements are just political scams based on propaganda lies meant to favor whatever group they happen to be lying about at the time.
And assuming the rate of homosexuality and bisexuality is going up, why in the Hell might that be? No one knows. Is anyone studying it? Nope. It would be terribly “homophobic” even study such a question! If the rate has been going steadily up, doesn’t that imply that not all gays and bis are born that way in the fashion that the gays lie, I mean say? OK, so if all these folks are not born that way, what on Earth caused them to go gay? No one knows. And apparently we will never know because the gays are furious at anyone even trying to study the cause of homosexuality.
What’s behind all of these lies? If you follow Gay Politics as long as I have, this form of IP has very simple goal: gays and bis wish to increase their numbers. They also want less discrimination, but increasing their numbers is a very important part of this movements. Gay men make no secret of the fact that they would be ecstatic if all men were bisexual. That’s their paradise, and it’s one of the goals of their movement.
Isn’t it true that sexual orientation cannot be changed via therapy? Nope. No one has ever proven that either. It cannot be changed with men, but no one knows if that is true with women. In fact, there are many examples of women going gay relatively late in life. There is no evidence whatsoever that these women were “born that way” and were “living a lie” the whole time they were straight. There are also a number of cases of women identifying as lesbian and then going straight. Some women identify as straight, go lesbian and then go back to straight again. It’s a game of Musical Orientation.
If a woman can go gay and then go straight again, how on Earth is that evidence of being born that way? The only obvious observation of women’s wildly changing orientations through life is that these women seem to be making conscious choices to either go gay or go straight or go gay and then go back straight again. I don’t see how it could be anything other than a conscious choice these women are making.
OK, if women can apparently choose to change their orientations at will, then who says we can’t change their orientations in therapy? Yet all of society, many state governments, the entire Cultural Left and unbelievably the American Psychiatric Association now state as an official policy that Sexual Orientation Change therapy does not work for males or females, causes much harm, is junk science and must even be banned by law.
Any evidence that this therapy does not work for females? Nope. Any evidence that it causes harm? It can, but that’s mostly when kids are shoved into it against their will. If one wishes to go to this therapy, it would probably not be harmful. Then why should we ban it? Because gay people made up a bunch of lies about it that the whole country, including all of US science, has fallen for, and hence we have to ban it because the propagandists want us to.
And actually the new line with gays is not that orientation cannot be changed. Their official line is that we do not choose our orientation, that all gays and bis are born that way, but that somehow sexual orientation can be changed, but it can’t be done by therapy, it can only be done by the individual. OK, they’re all born that way, but anyone can change. The therapy doesn’t work, except you can do it on your own, and it does work. None of this makes the tiniest bit of sense. Do you see that?
They continue to say that all gay and bi people were born that way. Do you understand why they say that? Do you see the scam? If all gay and bi people were born that way, then they can’t change! But on the other hand, gays are quick to point out that straights can turn bisexual at any time. How convenient of them! All of them are stuck being gay forever and all of us can turn gay at any time. Get it? Wink wink.
So what is homosexuality? Some dark force that once acquired, sticks with you for life no matter what? And what is heterosexuality? Some weak force that can always be decreased but never be increased? This is the scammy nonsensical argument that the gays have set up. So if all of them are stuck being gay and bi forever, and all of us can turn at least bi at any time, guess what’s going to happen over time? Wa-la! Good guess! The numbers of gay and bi people are likely to increase! I told you one of their main goals was to increase their numbers. I’ve been studying this movement for decades, and this is one of the main aims of their movement – to increase their numbers. I know exactly what sort of sneaky games they are playing.
In this way homosexuality is like Islam. Once one converts, you are stuck for life, and there’s no leaving. Islam was deliberately set up in this scammy way in order to deviously increase its numbers. The gays seem to be following the Islamic model.
As a scientific minded person, I find all of this quite discouraging. Apparently not one single modern fact coming out of Gay Politics is even true. Apparently not one thing that we are all required to believe about homosexuality and bisexuality is even factual. We are all just supposed to repeat the propaganda and the lies, and we’re all evil homophobes if we don’t.
I’d like to know what causes homosexuality and bisexuality in men and women. I’d like to know if the rates change across space and time. I’d like to know if they differ around the world, and if so, why. I’d like to know if the rate is going up or down, for Chrissakes, and if so, why.
Apparently all science-minded research on this subject is out because the gays have decided that it’s automatically homophobic before the studies even begin. So we just have to sit back and watch society increasingly go gay and bi and wonder why on Earth this is happening, what we can do about it, if it’s ever going to stop, and if there’s any way to stop it or even slow it down.