Rate My Meals : 2011-04-21

By Johnisfit @johnisfit

Both my kids had soccer practice last night and it was pretty miserable – about 40 degrees with a light drizzle. My daughter wore shorts, bless her tough heart. My son was a little wiser and wore sweats. Both toughed it out though, I'm proud of them. I stayed under the shelter where, while it wasn't warm, it sure wasn't wet either.

So far I've had a great week on the eating front, at least in my opinion. This is my umpteenth attempt at earning a #7daychip from Brad Gansberg and I've completed Day Four. Yesterday had the potential to be a trouble day for me because I was doing some traveling, but I managed to stay focused and stick to the plan.

Here's what I had to eat on Thursday:

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First, you'll notice that I didn't capture before pictures of my breakfast and my morning snack. Actually, I did get the pictures they just accidentally got deleted before I was able to send them to my email account. My bad.

Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a yogurt. I had a banana as a late-morning snack.

I had a 12" veggie sub from subway with spicy mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, jalapeños, extra cucumbers, spinach and salt and pepper. No cheese, mayo or olive oil. Same sandwich I've been getting lately at Subway. I had apple slices and added a low-fat yogurt. Drive-time snack of a protein bar.

Dinner was a big salad of baby arugula, sliced yellow and orange peppers, grated fennel, mushrooms, tomatoes and about a half cup of cheddar goldfish. Poppyseed dressing. Normally when I have a big salad like this I'll include cucumbers and avocados which gives me enough juice and creaminess that all I need for a dressing is a little salt and pepper but alas we were out of both so I decided to add a little of the poppyseed dressing.

For the third night in a row, I had an Odell IPA (A- on the Beer Advocate) that I forgot to snap a picture of. I've really got to remember to do that. I don't normally drink my calories but when I do I should include it here.

Over at Fatbloggers I wrote about my new weight loss strategy – only eating 75% of what's put in front of me. So far after four days it's actually pretty surprising to see everything I didn't eat which I normally would have.

Here's what I didn't eat today:

So that's Day Four in my never-ending quest to bag a #7daychip and get back on track.

So how do you think I did? Click a star!

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