Rat Holes

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Does your yard have rat holes, do you know what is happening in your yards or your neighbors? Rats or rodents in general can do a lot of damage to wiring and irrigation pipes. Their teeth continue to grow and they need to gnaw them down and they do it by using wiring and other harder items.

Now if that wasn’t bad enough consider for a moment that they might get into your home? They are not very clean and can distribute urine and feces everywhere. They can carry in parasites like ticks and mites. They can also damage any plastic in the home. The other issue in Arizona is the more rats you have the greater possibility of snakes. The snakes looking for food, often will trail them right into your yard or area and set up shop.

Now most snakes are probably OK but you don’t want those venomous ones like the West Rattlesnakes etc. If you don’t know what they look like don’t take a chance. Always, always use gloves and pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t just throw bait in the rat holes, they can and will kick it out. Poison Control is 1-800-222-2222 and as always call 911 immediately. We can help with snake removal so call ProBest once you are safe 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176. Always take care, we live in a desert – caution.