Raspberry & Limoncello Tart

By Bakingexplorer

I am getting a lot of use of my new Tarte Maison tin! I decided to use it again after it's first Spinach & Feta Tart outing to make this Valentine's themed dessert. Valentine's Day can be quite cheesey I admit, but I personally love it! Celebrating love and being romantic is lovely and I think 'why not?!' You can enjoy the day whether single or loved up in my opinion, we all have loved ones we can shower with affection. Over the years my friends have been kind enough to send me cards, flowers and baked goods. And I've done the same back. Now I have a wonderful boyfriend to focus my affection on, but I still like to surprise my friends with a fun card or Valentine's treat. This tart would be great to share between friends or enjoy as dessert with a romantic meal.

I started by making the filling. In a bowl I mixed together 450g fresh raspberries, 200g sugar, 60g cornflour, 60ml limoncello and the zest of one lemon. I let it sit to infuse together while I made the pastry.

To make the pastry I used the same method and amounts from my Pumpkin Pie recipe. This is my favorite shortcrust pastry recipe, it does make a little too much but don't worry I have a great idea for the leftovers later on.

I greased my tin and lined it with the pastry, cutting off any excess and pricking the bottom with a fork. I then put baking paper in the pastry and poured in some baking beans. I baked it on 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for 10-15 minutes until the pastry started to brown around the edges.

I took the paper and baking beans out and baked it again for 5-10 minutes until the bottom looked fully cooked.

I measured out the lid and cut heart shapes in it. Of course you can do the lid any way you like, lattice works well too.

I filled the pastry base with filling. Then put the pastry lid on top, which was a bit fiddly as the filling is very wet, but I got it on and sealed the edges with beaten egg, then brushed beaten egg all over the pastry lid.

I baked the tart on 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for 20-25 minutes until it was golden brown. The lid did split from the sides at either end, which was partly my fault as I think I could've sealed it better, but I was still really pleased with the heart effect!

When cut, the filling was much more solid, almost like a jelly or jam. The filling was fruity, sweet and delicious. It's great with custard and I think would also work well with ice cream! You could do mini versions too if you didn't want to make a large tart.

I did have a little leftover pastry and filling, so I made these cute Heart Shaped Hand Pies. All you need to do is roll the pastry out and cut out heart shapes. Lay them on a lined baking tray, put a spoonful of filling in the middle and cover with another piece of pastry. Seal the edges with a fork and cut a slit or cross in the middle. Bake on 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for about 20 minutes.

I am entering this recipe into this month's Alphabakes hosted by Caroline Makes... and The More Than Occassional Baker, where the letter is 'V', and I made this tart for Valentine's Day so I think it's fitting!

I'm also entering into Cake Of The Week's challenge Baking With Spirit as this recipe contains Limoncello, an Italian liquor. The theme this month is 'Fun' which I think this tart is!