Raspberry Coconut Popsicles (Paleo, Vegan, Whole 30, AIP, Low FODMAP, GAPS, SCD)

By Pureandsimplenourishment

It's another beautiful week! And what's going to make it even better are these Raspberry Coconut Popsicles. Yes these are pretty delicious my friends. And so easy to make! Seriously just wait until you see the recipe. You will thank me I promise. 
So let's see, what's been going on in my life since my last post... Studying, studying, and a little more studying. Oh and throw in a little side of work too. Yep, pretty exciting my friends. Pretty darn exciting. 

But you know what is exciting? The Olympics!
Have you been watching? Oh my goodness I'm obsessed. I used to swim competitively so swimming has been my sport of choice so far. And man are those guys fast! Like so fast. Penny Oleksiak is officially my new Canadian hero. 16 years old and she has already won 4 Olympic medals! It's insane. Especially as a Canadian. As a country we aren't exactly known as a swimming powerhouse that's for sure. I really hope this gets people excited about the sport of swimming in Canada over the next little while. It would be so amazing to see more success for the sport. 
The other sport I always love watching is gymnastics. How those men and women get their bodies to do the things that they do just amazes me. Such strength, flexibility and power all rolled into one. 
Oh and diving! That's another sport I would never dare to do! Throwing yourself head first from a 10 meter platform just terrifies me. So many chances for things to go wrong! I can only imagine how many face plants and miserable training exercises go into making those dives look as good as they do. 

The other thing I have been dealing with lately is a back injury. I wish I had some epic story to tell you about how I hurt it, but the sad truth is that I honestly don't know! It's so annoying. I just woke up one day a few months ago with pain. I assume I did something during one of my workouts but I honestly have no idea. Anyways I have been doing lots of massage, cupping, rest, ice, heat and dry needling over the last two months or so trying to get things under control. And two weeks ago I finally started seeing an osteopath. And I can honestly say that that is the first thing that really seems to be helping! You guys know me, always willing to explore all aspects of integrative and alternative medicine, and osteopathy is one form of healing that I had never experienced before. It is a very interesting form of medicine if you ask me. 

The Canadian College of Osteopathy defines osteopathy as "a natural medicine which aims to restore function in the body by treating the cause of pain and imbalance. To achieve this goal the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner relies on the quality and finesse of his/her palpation and works with the position, mobility and quality of the tissues...The osteopathic philosophy embraces the notion that the body is naturally capable of healing itself. The practitioner of Traditional Osteopathy works with the body to enhance this natural ability to self-regulate and self-heal."
Fingers crossed that with a couple more treatments I will finally be feeling better! I am going a little stir crazy not being able to do the workouts I normally do. That sweaty stress release is so crucial to me! 
Have any of you ever tried osteopathy? What was your experience? I would love to hear your stories. 

But let's get to why you really came here. For these Raspberry Coconut Popsicles! You guys are going to love these I promise. Unless you don't like raspberries I guess... But who doesn't like raspberries? They are honestly one of my favorite fruits. Raspberries and blueberries. I'm not sure I would be able to pick if you asked me to. 
I also can't believe this is the first popsicle recipe I have made for the blog. How I let that one slide until now I do not know. Especially when making them is so easy! Trust me, even the worst of cooks will be able to handle this one. 
This recipe is also great because it is compatible with almost every special diet there is. Paleo, vegan, Whole 30, AIP, low FODMAP, GAPS and the SCD! And yes you read that correctly, Whole 30 compatible popsicles! Just because you are avoiding sugars doesn't mean you can't enjoy dessert once in a while.
I would love to know if you make these and what you think. 
As always I would love it if you followed me on my social media pages on Instagram,FacebookPinterest and Twitter

Raspberry Coconut Popsicles Recipe 


12 oz fresh raspberries1 cup full fat coconut milk (I use this brand)2 TBSP coconut oil (this brand is my favourite) 2 TBSP melted coconut manna or coconut butter (buy here) 1 TBSP organic vanilla extract (Omit for AIP)
Optional: 2 TBSP raw honey or maple syrup (omit for Whole 30, use maple syrup for FODMAPS and vegan, and honey for SCD) 


1. Place all the ingredients into your Vitamix or other high speed blender2. Blend well until smooth3. Spoon the ingredients into your popsicle molds (I used these BPA free ones) 4. Place the molds in the freezer for 6-8 hours5. Remove from the freezer and run the molds under warm water for 30-60 seconds6. Remove the popsicles from the molds and enjoy!
Yield: 6 popsicles
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DISCLAIMERS: The statements made on this website have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You assume full responsibility for how you use this information. Always consult with your physician or other health professionals before making any diet or lifestyle changes. 
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